The following items you can purchase on Amazon by using our Amazon Smiles link. Simply ship the items to our office.
1. Please use our Amazon Smile link provided here.
2. Please search for wish list items noted below.
3. Have the item(s) shipped to Southern Eye Institute.
Southern Eye Institute
Attn. Brad Scharff
5350 Poplar Ave Suite 925
Memphis TN 38119 (No weekend deliveries) Phone 901-683-4600
4. All items must arrive no later then April 11th, 2016. Container will be loaded on April 16th, 2016.
Mission Wish List Includes
20 1 Speed Bicycles of all sizes male or female. Received 1
100 Camping sleeping pads. Received 11
100 Pairs of new shoes. M/F B/G all sizes. Received 0
500 Sets of New Underwear. M/F B/G all sizes. Received 53
1000 Pairs of socks. M/F B/G all sizes. Received 168
500 New t-shirts. M/F B/G all sizes. Received 32
100 Cases of Bottled Water. Received 8